I cant believe how quickly the life drawing classes have gone, i have enjoyed them immensely and i am actually rather sad that they are stopping for now. However, i am looking forward to the acting classes! I do feel like i have improved, especially with my technique, i feel like i am watching the model more and i am starting to draw what i see, rather then what my brain thinks looks right. I am more confident with my line work and i actually feel more confident about my capabilities. Initially i was use sure whether i could capture a persons face free hand, but i now feel that i can draw what ever i like if i put time in and concentrate. I have picked up good habits like holding a pencil at arms length and measuring the model, the angles of the body and the limbs etc. I have also now realized that the human body had subtle curves, that unless you look properly, you can easily miss. For example, the arm, people may think its quite like a cylinder with a join. but if you study the arm, there are dips and curves in the outline, they maybe subtle but they are there.
Overal i really enjoyed the life drawing classes, i found them to be challenging and rewarding, and i can not wait to jump into the next bundle of life drawing classes.
On the second part of the life drawing class we were given a sheet of paper and we had to draw the following:
- A person running
- A speeding car
- A newspaper being blown in the wind
- A person slipping on ice
- A feather falling.
Initially i was a little concerned, as i didnt think i would be able to portray these things, my falling feather is a bit naff but i am quite pleased with everything else, but after thinking about my drawings, if i was to draw them again i would change the wheels on the car to a slanted oval shape to make it look as if it was going faster, and i would have thought about the framing of the drawings. So for instance, i would put my running man towards the right hand side of the page to make it look like he was running further and faster.
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