Martin Dessin a talented French artist and designer has very kindly allowed me to post some of his work onto my blog to share with you all! (I spent two hours writing a email in french to receive a lovely reply in English)! The link to his own personal blog where you will find more gorgeous drawings and design work is above! Please check him out!
I was surfing the internet for interesting blogs that took my fancy and i stumbled across Martin Dessin, his blog is all in French, and my French is a little rusty now, however, my translation is Martin enjoys to spend his time drawing and listening to music. For me, music can have a large influence on the way you draw, it can put you into different moods, the different tempos can make you work quicker or slower etc.
I particularly love Martins charcoal life drawing's, i have only put a few on here do the rest of you feel inclined to take a sneak peak on Martins blog above! The way martin has created movement in the drawing below is very effective, the curves in the back and the positions of the legs create the illusion the model its moving forward. If i was to imagine this walk from a characters perspective, i can imagine it to be slow and smooth with minimal movement in the arms. The up right arches back to me creates a feel of confidence. The movement has a meaning. I also enjoy the way Martin has cleverly picked out certain aspects of the model to shade which creates depth, and the strong contrast between the back of the charcoal and the white of the paper making it stand out more.
The use of charcoal carries on through out Martins other life drawings.
Here are some more images of Martins work that are different to his life drawing pieces. I particulary loved the two designs below. I love the use of negative space and the pastel colours. I tend to focus more on bright vivid colours, but you can create a classy look using pastel colours.
The image above is brilliant! Its clever, witty and a good bit of fun, i love the consistent colour pallet. I will be using Etienne's style as inspiration for my future animation.
Check him out!